Congressman Jefferson Van Drew, District 2 | Official U.S. House headshot
Congressman Jefferson Van Drew, District 2 | Official U.S. House headshot
Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Van Drew made a strong statement regarding his stance on Social Security, ensuring that he will never support any cuts to the program. Van Drew emphasized the importance of protecting Social Security, stating, "Any proposed cuts to Social Security, no matter who they are coming from, are not only unjust but they are a betrayal of the countless hardworking Americans who have paid their way into this program."
Furthermore, Van Drew expressed his concern for the impact of budgetary constraints on senior citizens, attributing the financial challenges to misallocated taxpayer dollars. He asserted, "Our senior citizens should not suffer because of this administration's inability to put America first." Van Drew highlighted the importance of prioritizing American seniors and rejected the notion of cutting funding for Social Security, emphasizing, "The answer is NOT cutting funding for a program that so many Americans rely on."
In conclusion, Congressman Van Drew reaffirmed his commitment to advocating for the protection of Social Security, stating, "I outright reject any proposed cuts to Social Security, regardless of who proposes these cuts." He pledged to continue advocating for the country's most vulnerable population and ensuring that the commitment made to American seniors is honored.