Congressman Jefferson Van Drew, District 2 | Official U.S. House headshot
Congressman Jefferson Van Drew, District 2 | Official U.S. House headshot
Washington, DC - Congressman Van Drew's statement was read into the record at the House Committee on Financial Services hearing entitled Public Housing Oversight (PHA): How Scandals and Mismanagement Harm Residents and Taxpayers. Congressman Van Drew collaborated with the House Financial Services Committee to orchestrate this hearing and selected Matt Doherty, the Former Executive Director of the Atlantic City Housing Authority (ACHA), to testify on behalf of South Jersey.
In March, Congressman Van Drew called for an investigation into the ACHA to determine if any criminal violations had been committed in the past five years. Mr. Doherty has claimed to have witnessed the mismanagement of $7.4 million, violations in the procurement process, as well as other signs of corruption within the ACHA that have significantly impacted residents negatively. In response to these concerns, Mr. Doherty, along with Congressman Van Drew, have called for greater accountability of the ACHA and a federal takeover by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Statement as prepared:
"The Atlantic City Housing Authority has failed the people of Atlantic City.
"The Authority has squandered millions of taxpayer dollars through illicit no-bid contracts that failed to deliver any results.
"Mr. Doherty's testimony is a damning indictment of the illegal practices that left our most vulnerable residents in cold, infested, and moldy apartments.
"We must ensure that this never happens again.
"I concur with Mr. Doherty's recommendations for greater oversight, accountability and that HUD assume control of the ACHA.
"I thank the House Financial Services for working with me to set up today's hearing and shine a light on this appalling crisis."
Click here to watch the full committee hearing.Click here to read Matt Doherty's full testimony.