Atlantic County Library System issued the following announcement.
THE LIBRARY: A Fragile history by Andrew Pettegree is an extensive history of the library as an institution.
From the infamous Alexandria Library of the ancient world to today’s modern public and academic libraries.
This history of the written and printed word covers how libraries have evolved from the private collections of monasteries and monarchs to the great public institutions of today.
It covers the history of how mankind has kept written records of history, language, and science through papyrus scrolls, to the printing press, and into digital age.
This historical account of libraries shows how these great institutions have been able to endure through natural disasters, the Fall of the Roman Empire, World Wars, and modern political divisions [].
uncovered review by Matt Dibella, ACLS Library Director
#atlanticcounty #ACLSreads #ACLSuncovered
Original source can be found here.